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The Best Exercises for Weak Legs

The Best Exercises for Weak Legs

The Best Exercises for Weak Legs Are weak legs slowing you down? When it comes to building leg strength, it’s important to focus on compound movements instead of isolating ones. In this blog, we’ll delve into the importance of compound exercise for combatting weak...
Build a Stronger Core

Build a Stronger Core

Build a Stronger Core You want a strong core but dread the thought of crunches or sit-ups. Sound familiar? What if we told you there’s a safer, more effective way to develop a strong and functional core? This blog explores the benefits of crunchless core exercise and...
3 Stretches to Ease Night Leg Cramps

3 Stretches to Ease Night Leg Cramps

3 Stretches to Ease Night Leg Cramps One minute you’re sleeping peacefully. The next, you’re wide awake and bouncing around in pain from a night leg cramp. Sound familiar? You’re not alone if you experience night leg cramps or a tight, knotted feeling in your...
3 Exercises to Prevent Urinary Leakage

3 Exercises to Prevent Urinary Leakage

3 Exercises to Prevent Urinary Leakage Has urinary leakage made the “sneeze and cross” second nature? If so, you’re not alone. In this blog, we’ll discuss the prevalence of urinary incontinence, its causes, and most importantly, we’ll guide you through three exercises...
How Sitting Affects Your Shoulders

How Sitting Affects Your Shoulders

How Sitting Affects Your Shoulders Do you struggle with shoulder aches or pain? If so, think about the number of hours you spend sitting each week. If you work at a computer or spend the majority of your work week sitting, that’s upwards of 1,920 hours a year — and...