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Practice This Sequence for Better Balance

Practice This Sequence for Better Balance

Practice This Sequence for Better Balance Do you worry about losing your balance? It’s a concern we hear often in our clinics. What many patients don’t realize is that poor balance isn’t inevitable with aging. With practice, you can improve your balance and prevent...
Build a Stronger Core

Build a Stronger Core

Build a Stronger Core You want a strong core but dread the thought of crunches or sit-ups. Sound familiar? What if we told you there’s a safer, more effective way to develop a strong and functional core? This blog explores the benefits of crunchless core exercise and...
How to Prevent Dowager’s Hump

How to Prevent Dowager’s Hump

How to Prevent Dowager’s Hump Are you familiar with an area of extra tissue that can form at the base of the neck, or what’s known as a Dowager’s Hump? Over time, this bump develops from forward leaning or poor posture. Practicing good posture can not only help...
Try This Low Back Stretch

Try This Low Back Stretch

Try This Low Back Stretch Does low back pain make it hard to get up and moving in the morning? Are standing and walking for a period of time a struggle? If so, try this stretch. It’s not only an excellent way to provide relief to your back, but to stretch your...

Relieve Low Back Pain with This Exercise

Relieve Low Back Pain with This Exercise Do you experience low back pain when standing or walking, even for short periods of time? Strong core muscles are crucial in preventing or relieving low back pain. When your core muscles are weak, it can wreak havoc on your low...