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Which Running Shoes are Best for Me?

Which Running Shoes are Best for Me?

Which Running Shoes are Best for Me? Do you struggle to find comfortable or “the right” running shoes? If so, keep reading. Everyone is different when it comes to running shoes, and the best ones for you depend on a few factors – including the type of foot you have....
The Benefits of Using a Cane After Surgery

The Benefits of Using a Cane After Surgery

The Benefits of Using a Cane After Surgery Each week I have the same discussion with a new patient–my own “Ground Hogs Day experience.” The conversation revolves around the use of a cane or walker after having surgery. “But I don’t need it, I won’t fall,” my patient...
How to Pace a Run

How to Pace a Run

How to Pace a Run Have you ever started a race “running hot,” or at too fast of a pace? It’s a mistake many runners make. When adrenaline kicks in, pace can be hard to control. That said, it is possible to remain consistent from start to finish – and the secret to...