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Three Safe Exercises for Shoulder Osteoarthritis

Three Safe Exercises for Shoulder Osteoarthritis

Three Safe Exercises for Shoulder Osteoarthritis The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the human body. It is considered a ball and socket joint. Its main purpose is to position our arm and hand in space to complete functional tasks like reaching over head to grab a...
Why Should I Warm Up Before Running?

Why Should I Warm Up Before Running?

Why Should I Warm Up Before Running? Do you warm up before starting your run? If you said “no,” you’re not alone. It’s a mistake many runners make. Jumping right into a run without warming up can mean sacrificing miles to find your rhythm. Feel your best right out of...
Tight Calves? Try This Stretch.

Tight Calves? Try This Stretch.

Tight Calves? Try This Stretch. Are tight calves slowing you down? If so, keep reading. Tight calf muscles can negatively influence your run form, along with the efficiency of your running. Worst yet, they can also lead to injury. Stretch Tight Calves In the video...
How to Assess Balance & Mobility

How to Assess Balance & Mobility

How to Assess Balance & Mobility Do you struggle with balance or mobility, or feel like your lower body is weak? Try performing a 30-second Sit-to-Stand Test. The Sit-to-Stand Test is a simple assessment that measures your strength and mobility and can give you a...
Add This Running Cooldown to Your Routine

Add This Running Cooldown to Your Routine

Add This Running Cooldown to Your Routine Whether you’re a seasoned runner or just starting your journey, it’s important to remember that your workout doesn’t end when you cross the finish line. A proper running cooldown can significantly affect how your body recovers...