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Try This 10-Minute Exercise Routine

Try This 10-Minute Exercise Routine

Try This 10-Minute Exercise Routine Short on time but want to stay active? Try this quick, 10-minute exercise routine! With three simple exercises, you can work your entire body and get a quick workout whenever and wherever you like. Life can get busy, especially when...
Improving Joint Health to Combat Aging

Improving Joint Health to Combat Aging

Improving Joint Health to Combat Aging All day long, all I hear is “Don’t get old!” Unfortunately, we can’t change the number of candles on our cake each year, but we can change how our body feels as we age. As we get older, it’s normal to have wear and tear on our...
The Best Exercises for Weak Legs

The Best Exercises for Weak Legs

The Best Exercises for Weak Legs Are weak legs slowing you down? When it comes to building leg strength, it’s important to focus on compound movements instead of isolating ones. In this blog, we’ll delve into the importance of compound exercise for combatting weak...
Build a Stronger Core

Build a Stronger Core

Build a Stronger Core You want a strong core but dread the thought of crunches or sit-ups. Sound familiar? What if we told you there’s a safer, more effective way to develop a strong and functional core? This blog explores the benefits of crunchless core exercise and...
How to Prevent Dowager’s Hump

How to Prevent Dowager’s Hump

How to Prevent Dowager’s Hump Are you familiar with an area of extra tissue that can form at the base of the neck, or what’s known as a Dowager’s Hump? Over time, this bump develops from forward leaning or poor posture. Practicing good posture can not only help...