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Improving Joint Health to Combat Aging

Improving Joint Health to Combat Aging

Improving Joint Health to Combat Aging All day long, all I hear is “Don’t get old!” Unfortunately, we can’t change the number of candles on our cake each year, but we can change how our body feels as we age. As we get older, it’s normal to have wear and tear on our...
Why is Walking Painful?

Why is Walking Painful?

Why is Walking Painful? Humans were built to walk. A typical day sees most of us taking around 6,000 steps, yet the ideal target should hover closer to 10,000 daily steps. But how can someone hit this target if they have pain with walking? The answer is surprisingly...
Practice This Sequence for Better Balance

Practice This Sequence for Better Balance

Practice This Sequence for Better Balance Do you worry about losing your balance? It’s a concern we hear often in our clinics. What many patients don’t realize is that poor balance isn’t inevitable with aging. With practice, you can improve your balance and prevent...
Proper Hydration: What You Should Know

Proper Hydration: What You Should Know

Proper Hydration: What You Should Know Are you staying properly hydrated when you run? As a runner, you’re well aware of the importance of training, proper footwear, and nutrition. However, one critical aspect that’s often overlooked is hydration and electrolyte...
Be Race-Ready With This Warm-up

Be Race-Ready With This Warm-up

Be Race-Ready With This Warm-up Why should you warm up before running a race? We’re so glad you asked! Warming up might seem unnecessary, but it can make a world of difference in your running performance and overall well-being. Regardless of whether you’re running for...