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Lower Body

Why Does My Knee Hurt Going Down Steps?

Why Does My Knee Hurt Going Down Steps?

If your knees get sore on steps or you find yourself going down sideways to make it easier, this article is for you. Climbing steps in everyday situations is unavoidable. Whether it’s an actual set of steps or stepping down from a curb, this everyday task can be...

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How to Negotiate Stairs Without Pain

How to Negotiate Stairs Without Pain

For many, negotiating stairs can be a daily challenge. Whether you’re recovering from a knee replacement or suffering from an arthritic hip, stairs can be both difficult and painful. As a physical therapist, patients frequently tell me, “I have no trouble walking, but...

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Wall vs Standing Squats: Choose Wisely

Wall vs Standing Squats: Choose Wisely

The squat or squatting is a foundational movement of life. Unfortunately, somewhere along the way, its form has been lost. Compensations of bending through the spine override squatting — and the term itself generally results in an eye roll and visions of damaged,...

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The Best Exercises for Weak Legs

The Best Exercises for Weak Legs

Are weak legs slowing you down? When it comes to building leg strength, it’s important to focus on compound movements instead of isolating ones. In this blog, we’ll delve into the importance of compound exercise for combatting weak legs and provide step-by-step...

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Why is Walking Painful?

Why is Walking Painful?

Humans were built to walk. A typical day sees most of us taking around 6,000 steps, yet the ideal target should hover closer to 10,000 daily steps. But how can someone hit this target if they have pain with walking? The answer is surprisingly simple — by training...

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