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Lower Body

The Best Exercises for Weak Legs

The Best Exercises for Weak Legs

Are weak legs slowing you down? When it comes to building leg strength, it’s important to focus on compound movements instead of isolating ones. In this blog, we’ll delve into the importance of compound exercise for combatting weak legs and provide step-by-step...

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Why is Walking Painful?

Why is Walking Painful?

Humans were built to walk. A typical day sees most of us taking around 6,000 steps, yet the ideal target should hover closer to 10,000 daily steps. But how can someone hit this target if they have pain with walking? The answer is surprisingly simple — by training...

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How to Stand up Safely with Knee Pain

How to Stand up Safely with Knee Pain

Do you experience knee pain when kneeling or crouching down? It can be a real burden when playing with the grandkids or retrieving a dropped item from the floor. If you’re like many, the pain can make it difficult to stand up from a kneeling position. Try this to...

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Knee Pain: Life With a Degenerative Meniscus Tear

Knee Pain: Life With a Degenerative Meniscus Tear

Knee pain is one of the most common ailments we see in our clinics. When asked about how their pain starts, many patients respond, “I am not sure, it just seemed to start out of nowhere and progressively get worse.” Does this sound familiar? Knee pain, clicking, or...

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3 Stretches to Ease Night Leg Cramps

3 Stretches to Ease Night Leg Cramps

One minute you’re sleeping peacefully. The next, you’re wide awake and bouncing around in pain from a night leg cramp. Sound familiar? You're not alone if you experience night leg cramps or a tight, knotted feeling in your legs or lower body. Learn why these cramps...

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Common Sources of Hip Pain

Common Sources of Hip Pain

“My hip hurts, what is wrong with it?” This question may seem simple, however to a Physical Therapist, this is a loaded question with a variety of potential responses. Follow along with Physical Therapist Katie Wolfley, PT DPT, as she reviews the most common causes of...

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