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How to Improve Your Shoulder Health

How to Improve Your Shoulder Health

Do you ever stop to think about how many times you lift, push, pull, or throw throughout the day? Our daily activities involve countless motions, and many of them rely heavily on the shoulder. Our shoulders are incredibly versatile joints, yet despite their...

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Why Does My Back Hurt in the Morning?

Why Does My Back Hurt in the Morning?

For many of us, mornings can be hectic. While hitting snooze for a few extra minutes of sleep feels great, the rush to get ready and make it to work on time can be overwhelming. During these chaotic mornings, we often overlook the strain we put on our spine with all...

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3 Exercises to Relieve De Quervain’s Syndrome

3 Exercises to Relieve De Quervain’s Syndrome

Have you ever felt a sharp pain at the base of your thumb after lifting your baby, gardening, or even just typing at your desk? If so, you might be experiencing De Quervain's Syndrome, a common condition that can make everyday activities painful and challenging. Keep...

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Understanding Low Tone & Spasticity in Children

Understanding Low Tone & Spasticity in Children

Imagine watching your little one struggle with movements that should come naturally, like holding their head up, sitting, or even reaching for a toy. For many parents, this can be a daily reality due to conditions like low tone and spasticity. At Buffalo Rehab Group,...

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7 Tips to Avoid Overuse Injuries

7 Tips to Avoid Overuse Injuries

As the weather warms up in Western New York, many of us are eager to get outside and engage in our favorite activities. Whether it's gardening, golfing, hiking, or taking your grandkids to the park, the increase in physical activity after a relatively sedentary winter...

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