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Protect Yourself During Fall Cleanup

Protect Yourself During Fall Cleanup

Protect Yourself During Fall Cleanup It’s fall! Here in Buffalo, the air is crisp, pumpkin spice is everywhere, and brightly colored leaves are piling up in a hurry. Most of us are starting our fall cleanup before the snow flies. With fall cleanup comes raking,...
3 Tips for Proper Run Form

3 Tips for Proper Run Form

3 Tips for Proper Run Form Do you have a proper run form? Achieving it can be a challenge for many runners – but crucial for efficient running. Keep reading to learn three essential tips that can help you attain and maintain proper form with each and every run. Proper...
The 3 Best Core Exercises for Runners

The 3 Best Core Exercises for Runners

The 3 Best Core Exercises for Runners Are you incorporating core exercise into your workout? As a runner, overlooking core strength can hinder your performance and increase the risk of injuries. In this blog, we’ll delve into the significance of core strength for...
How Do Injuries Occur?

How Do Injuries Occur?

How Do Injuries Occur? There are many terms doctors, therapists, and patients use to describe an injury. You may have heard of a pulled muscle, a contusion, struggled with a sprained this or strained that. All of these terms can be a bit confusing if not explained...