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Exercising with Knee Pain

Exercising with Knee Pain

Exercising with Knee Pain Exercising with knee pain is a catch-22. While research shows exercise is often the most effective treatment for many types of knee pain, severe pain can make it difficult to stay active. This is where a guided exercise program, built for...
How to Improve Your Shoulder Health

How to Improve Your Shoulder Health

How to Improve Your Shoulder Health Do you ever stop to think about how many times you lift, push, pull, or throw throughout the day? Our daily activities involve countless motions, and many of them rely heavily on the shoulder. Our shoulders are incredibly versatile...
Why Does My Back Hurt in the Morning?

Why Does My Back Hurt in the Morning?

Why Does My Back Hurt in the Morning? For many of us, mornings can be hectic. While hitting snooze for a few extra minutes of sleep feels great, the rush to get ready and make it to work on time can be overwhelming. During these chaotic mornings, we often overlook the...