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Osteoarthritis & You: How Physical Therapy Can Prevent Surgery

Nov 20, 2024 | Fitness & Wellness

It’s no secret – our bodies go through a lot as we age.

For some, that wear and tear might show up as occasional back pain, sore feet after a long day, or the occasional stress headache. But for others, it’s not quite so simple.

Take osteoarthritis, for example. This condition (“osteo” meaning bone, “arthritis” meaning stiffness or swelling) affects about 54 million Americans every single day. While some experience mild discomfort, others face much more serious challenges. But here’s the thing: being diagnosed with osteoarthritis doesn’t mean surgery has to be your only option.

In this article, you’ll learn:

  • What osteoarthritis is
  • How it can impact your day-to-day life if left untreated
  • And how Physical Therapy can help reduce pain, improve mobility, and even help you avoid surgery

What is Osteoarthritis?

When you hear the term osteoarthritis, think of wear and tear.

As we age, the cartilage in our joints – the natural shock absorbers that cushion our bones – gradually breaks down. Unfortunately, cartilage doesn’t regenerate, and when it wears away completely, you get what’s often called “bone-on-bone.” This phrase describes the stiffness and discomfort that occur when cartilage no longer prevents two bones from grinding against each other with movement.

An x-ray image of a normal knee joint next to an x-ray image of a knee joint with arthritis.

Now, consider this: the average American takes about 6,000 steps a day. Imagine walking all those steps without the cushion of cartilage – each step causing the bones in your legs to compress against one another. It’s not just painful; it can feel downright discouraging.

Here’s something we hear a lot in the clinic:
“My knee has been bad for years. The doctor sent me to therapy, but they said I’ll probably need a replacement anyway.” Sound familiar? Maybe you’ve thought, There’s no way walking a mile will ever feel easy again. Or perhaps it’s your hip that protests every time you climb the stairs, or your shoulder that keeps you from lifting groceries to an overhead shelf.

But here’s the good news: countless studies show that targeted Physical Therapy can significantly reduce the pain and stiffness caused by osteoarthritis.

So, how can we help if cartilage doesn’t grow back? Let’s break it down.

How Can I Get Better Without Surgery?

Aging doesn’t just affect the cartilage in your joints – it also impacts the muscles that surround and support them.

Take the knee, for example. To move properly, the muscles on the front and back of your body need to work together in balance, ideally in a 50/50 split. But more often than not, that balance gets thrown off. If the muscles on the front of your leg are doing most of the work, the ones in the back can weaken – and vice versa. This imbalance can put extra stress on the joint, irritate it, and speed up cartilage degeneration.

That’s where we come in. As Physical Therapists, our goal is to help restore your body’s natural balance so your muscles, joints, and bones can work together as a team. When we can bring your muscles back to that 50/50 harmony, your knee, hip, or shoulder will thank you. Every person we work with is unique, so we tailor our approach to your specific needs. Maybe one hip is sitting higher than the other. Maybe your shoulder blade isn’t moving the way it should, or your knee is overcompensating because of tight hamstrings.

Using tools like therapeutic exercise, targeted stretching, and hands-on techniques, we’ll focus on the areas that need attention most. But before we can build your plan of care, we need to understand why your joint is struggling in the first place. Once we uncover the root cause, we’re off to the races – together – toward getting you back to the pain-free, active life you deserve.

Here’s the bottom line: Physical Therapy can help reduce your pain and improve your mobility, even if you’ve been diagnosed with osteoarthritis. Surgery doesn’t have to be the first or only answer. With the right care, we can help you regain strength, ease pain, and avoid a joint replacement altogether.

Osteoarthritis is not the end of the road – it’s a challenge we can tackle together.

Are you struggling with osteoarthritis and not sure how to address it?

Our Physical and Occupational Therapists are here to help! With a customized plan, we’ll guide you through tailored exercises to build strength, improve joint mobility, and have you feeling your best.

Treatment is covered by insurance, no referral is needed, and with multiple locations across Western New York and virtual care, you can find a place and time that work for you.

Click the button below to get started.