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How to Encourage Your Child to Complete PT Exercises at Home

Aug 14, 2024 | Pediatrics

Do you struggle to get your little one to do their home exercise program between visits?

It’s certainly not due to a lack of energy, right?

As adults, we know how hard it can be to focus our attention, even on things we understand and enjoy. Expecting our children to do so is a tall order.

If you struggle to get your child to complete physical therapy exercises at home, keep reading.

Completing physical therapy exercises at home is important for your child’s progress.

A home exercise program is designed to reinforce the work done during therapy sessions, improve strength and flexibility, and accelerate progress. Consistency in performing these exercises can make a significant difference in achieving therapy goals and ensuring long-term success.

Given the importance of these exercises, finding effective ways to motivate your child is key.

Here are some tips to help you encourage your little one to stay on track:

  • Give Positive Reinforcement: Positive reinforcement ensures their exercises feel fun and lighthearted, rather than a chore. Celebrate their efforts and progress with encouraging words and a cheerful attitude.
  • Turn Exercises into a Game or Competition: Everyone loves a challenge, even kids! Try timing your child or seeing how many exercises they can do safely in a certain amount of time. Making the exercises into a fun game can increase their enthusiasm and participation.
  • Implement a Reward System: Create a PT calendar and give a sticker for each day exercises are successfully completed. After a certain amount of time and completion, offer a small reward or something fun to keep your little one motivated. This not only makes the process enjoyable but also gives them something to look forward to.
  • Reach Out for Help: If you’re struggling to get your little one motivated, your Physical Therapist is a great resource. Reach out for additional help and guidance in creating a fun and motivating environment for your child. They can provide personalized strategies and tips to keep your child engaged.

Encouraging your child to complete their physical therapy exercises at home can be challenging, but with a bit of creativity and support, it can also be a fun and rewarding experience for both of you!

Is your child struggling to complete at-home exercises?

If you’d like help getting your child to complete their home program or have questions about their progress, Buffalo Rehab Group can help.

Our dedicated team is here to provide guidance and support tailored to your child’s unique needs. Contact us today, and let’s ensure a bright and healthy future for your little one!