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Fitness & Wellness

How to Keep Your Balance This Winter

How to Keep Your Balance This Winter

Winter in Western New York can be a beautiful sight, but it often comes with icy challenges. Walking on slippery sidewalks and pathways can be risky, with the potential for slips and falls that can lead to injuries. To help you stay safe and balanced, our occupational...

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Stay Healthy During the Holidays

Stay Healthy During the Holidays

Rest assured, there’s plenty of room for holiday cheer without compromising your routine — or health! Follow the quick tips below for a healthier holiday season. Did you know performing light exercises helps with digestion? With so many shared meals, the holidays are...

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The Benefits of Using a Cane After Surgery

The Benefits of Using a Cane After Surgery

Each week I have the same discussion with a new patient–my own “Ground Hogs Day experience.” The conversation revolves around the use of a cane or walker after having surgery. “But I don’t need it, I won’t fall,” my patient says with mix of conviction and doubt. No...

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How to Assess Balance & Mobility

How to Assess Balance & Mobility

Do you struggle with balance or mobility, or feel like your lower body is weak? Try performing a 30-second Sit-to-Stand Test. The Sit-to-Stand Test is a simple assessment that measures your strength and mobility and can give you a better indication of lower-body...

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